E-business & E-marketting

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tim Bekker Lead Program

 Lets Build On Your Future Together, Internet Marketing University, XL Hardcore Internet Marketing
From: Tim Bekker, a.k.a. "K.K. Maybel"
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012
Memo: Tim Meets World

Dear Aspiring Entrepreneur,
Let's make something clear...
ALL of the proof you're about to see on this page is NOT from the "Internet Marketing" niche.
It wasn't until very recently that I decided to apply my "Stupid Simple System" to the Internet marketing industry and in a very short period of time have built a list of over 150,000 subscribers and have beaten some of the top name affiliates - you probably even know some of them.
I only mention that because I want you to realize that the proof I'm going to show you below - every $17,270/month of it - was made in OTHER industries online.
But before I show you the proof... let's get this out of the way...
CRAP #1: You Have To Be A Guru To Make Lots
and Lots and Lots and Lots of Money (AND LOTS!)
Just take a look below (out of dozens of launches I've promoted):

"He Exploded Onto My Radar With A Big Bang..."

"K.K. didn't just slowly come up on my radar as an internet marketer - he exploded onto my radar with a big bang.
Not only was he able to send huge volumes of traffic to my site but he sent highly-targeted leads that are worth many thousands of dollars to me.
From this evidence alone it's clear to me that K.K. is a powerful force of marketing and I for one will be paying close attention to what he does.
It's safe to say that anyone looking to make money online would do well to follow K.K.'s superb advice."
Michael Cheney,
Michael Cheney only knew me as "K.K. Maybel"!
No one even knew who I was until now. For years, I was just a phantom sitting there with some of the best affiliates.
In case you're not sure what the pictures above even mean, they represent the top affiliate marketers for that particular website's launch. That means generating hundreds and thousands of leads and sales.
I like to cash in on things like that.
Am I A Rocket Scientist and Some
Uber-Genius "Guru" Marketer?
I wish...
The truth is, if you've purchased more than one or two products from some of the "gurus" then chances are you know more about marketing online than I do...
This is kind of embarrassing for me to admit really...
I don't speak English well. I've purchased a TON of 'marketing' courses, but I couldn't understand them very well because English is my second language.
I needed something far less complicated than all these crazy 'theories' and 'formulas' these guys were putting out.
I still to this day can't figure out what the heck the 7S's are and the 4P's that the 'gurus' keep talking about.
I was determined to figure out how to make money online... and the reality is that I got lucky...
I struggled for YEARS trying to figure out those courses, but you can imagine my disadvantage when I could barely figure out what some of the words were...
So I Started To Study What The
Most Basic Elements Are In Business...

1. A product
This could be as simple as promoting another company's product or selling your own. I'm sure this is all very obvious to you, but my Stupid Simple System really isn't any more complex than this...
Because I didn't have any money and didn't really know how to create my own product I figured I'd try to promote another company's product.
The second thing you need is....
2. A "place to sell" (that's probably the most complex marketing you'll see me get into)
Whether that's a website, a blog, a newsletter, or just promoting a straight affiliate page.
And the final piece you need is...
3. A buyer
Ok I know I probably just put you on marketing overload with that "stupid" 1-2-3 system. But as complicated as I try to make this to make you think that this is the coolest, most top secret, cyber-advanced marketing product...
The reality is that it's truly that simple.
Guru courses were over my head...
When I got started with all this "Internet marketing" stuff, not only could I NOT figure out the 'guru courses' but I didn't have a single extra penny that I could spend...
I was about to throw in the towel because I was pretty discouraged about everything, but I was determined to "make it"...
I was loaded with debt from college, but I had this dream of being able to take my girlfriend on romantic vacations and not have to worry about money...
So I figured I'd give it one last try to see if I could do it...
I signed up for an affiliate program and applied the little information about marketing online that I had learned...
I created a ridiculously simple landing page so that I could begin building a list as well - and I didn't even have $20 to hire a programmer or designer to create the page for me, so I created a landing page using Microsoft Paint and Word (I still use this method to this day).
Yes, I'm completely computer illiterate and created a simple landing page using Microsoft Word and the Paint program...
And once I had that up I just started trying one different free traffic generation technique after another (I do use some paid methods now and will show you exactly what I do, but much of what you'll be learning are FREE methods because that is mostly what I use)...
Here's what I do over and over again (I know they're pretty laughable considering the "gurus" have accounts that show tens of thousands a month... but remember these are my smallest accounts - and YES these are all from other industries)...

Another note to mention...
These accounts took me no more than a couple hours and are 'set and forget' revenue streams for me...
And probably the most important point of all is that these results are from THIS YEAR. This isn't anything I did a few years ago before this recession hit... this was just a few months ago at what many experts consider the lowest point in the recession...
I mean some of the strategies you're going to be implementing with the Stupid Simple System are so "childish" and simple; you wouldn't believe it actually works. Some people are slapping themselves after seeing my FREE videos because it's THAT simple!
"I Am Very Impressed With The Amount
of Valuable Information You Share..."

"Hey Tim,
You weren't kidding when you said this was a Stupid Simple System to making money online. I flew through some of your products and modules and I am very impressed with the amount of valuable information you share with others.
I commend you for your valiant efforts in providing a home study course that is more than just simple to understand and easy to apply, but the mere fact that it's ALL proven strategies that work. "
All the best,
Lanty Paul
"It's A Multiple System That
Allows People To Earn Money..."

"Thank you for letting me see Stupid Simple System (SSS) in action. I was amazed at how each module was so well-written to be so simple a 9 year old kid could understand it. By the way it's so easy that literally anyone could follow it and start making money.
It's a multiple system that allows people to earn money in various ways. To everyone reading this, stop wasting your time and get the Stupid Simple System. Your bank account and family will thank you."
Thank You,
Jess Gill